Members of the Association "PERPATO", from 17 to 23 April 2016, participated in the youth exchange program between Germany-Poland-Lithuania-Greece "Building Bridges-in balance", in Krzyzowa, Poland and specifically in the Kreisau initiative (Kreisau – Initiative E.V.).
This international integration project takes place two to three times a year and involves young people with or without disabilities from different European countries. Each "bridge" has a different theme (music, cinema, sports).
Young people from four different countries (Greece, Poland, Germany and Lithuania) lived together for a week, proving that borders can be easily crossed and that together they can be an important part of Europe's future.
The 40 participants attended various thematic workshops in groups. These laboratories were:
Psychomotor treatment
Acquaintance and treatment of herbs
In the context of the presence of the club "PERPATO", a demonstration of three Paralympic sports was held (sitting volleyball, Boccia, goalball). The participants of the program had the opportunity to experience these three Paralympic sports. In the end, the work of the Association and the Center for autonomous living education was presented through audiovisual material.
The objectives of this project were to break down barriers between people, promote an equal relationship between them and gain new experiences.
The project was funded through the E program.E. «Erasmus+».